The horse.
It was’t his fault.
Verdi isn’t the horse I would normally ride when I was at Pegasus. Cisco was my boy. We would ride once or twice a week through the marsh and cemetery. Pegasus Riding Academy is 100 acres on an old dairy farm in East Savannah, right outside Bonaventure Cemetery. Absolutely Gorgeous places to ride, and it was a beautiful day. Savannah in January is like spring.
Cisco didn’t hear me calling for him that day, so I tacked and rode Verdi. About halfway through the ride we found Cisco, and he followed us around the marsh. As we were headed back to the barn, I turned around and was talking to Cisco. He must have gotten jealous; he decided to bite Verdi in the butt. I was not paying attention, Verdi jumped, I went over his head. The rest, as they say, is history. Check here for the xrays.

Verdi was a donation from a girl at the Equestrian Club at SCAD (The Savannah College or Art & Design). Ironically she donated him to Pegasus because he wouldn’t jump. He is 17.3hh, 10 year old Westphalian.
Pegasus Riding Academy is a non-profit center providing Equine Assisted Activities and Therapies for individuals with physical, mental or emotional disabilities. I started volunteering at Pegasus in 2015, feeding and horse-leading Cisco during twice weekly classes and daily for six weeks of summer camp. Little did I know that I was going to need some horse therapy for myself after the stroke.
15.3hh, 18 year old Tennessee Walking Horse